Free Home Network Privacy and Security Class for groups of 10 or more at your location covering Best Practices around Home Networks, User Accounts, Account Verification, Scams, Phishing, Internet Browsing, Social Media, and Privacy considerations. Class delivered by a PA licensed Professional Engineer with 25 years of industry experience specifically in networks, security and access control.
Network and device configuration is just as important as User Behavior. Privacy and Security configurations can be hidden in various layers of settings and application menus. It can be overwhelming to navigate, but with some guidance, you can use features that help protect your information using the privacy and security functions that YOUR CURRENT DEVICES already support.
Call (215) 694-4711 or email chris.p@buckscountyhomenetworks.com for more information or to schedule a class. Offer may be limited based upon response; minimum of 20 classes/groups guaranteed. Group is responsible for providing room for presentation at group's location.
Bucks County Home Networks LLC
2607 Red Gate Drive
Doylestown, PA 18902
(215) 694-4711
Expires: 06/01/25
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