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Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep

Community News

Author: Andy Pritikin,

Sponsor: Liberty Lake Day Camp
Release Date: 8/22/18
When Owner/Director Andy Pritikin spoke in Beijing two years ago as keynote speaker of the first ever “China Camp Education Conference” he never imagined that he’d one day be hosting 29 campers from the other side of the planet. “We’ve always had international campers, as people seem to . . .

Author: Carol Skaziak, 267-307-4686,

Sponsor: Throw Away Dogs Project
Release Date: 8/14/18
31 sickly Pitbulls seized in a raid by authorities in Ontario Canada and labeled as criminal evidence in 2015 on a suspected dog fighting operation (this made International news). These dogs were also deemed as Pitbulls, a long time banned in this Canadian providence. The 31 victims were immediately escorted to . . .


Sponsor: A Woman's Place
Release Date: 8/13/18
Our custody law says that the safety and well-being of the child is of paramount concern to the Court. We know however, that an overwhelming number of judges get it terribly wrong. Consistently, judges focus more on parental rights than the safety of the child. A history of domestic violence is often reduced simply to a "high conflict" . . .

Author: Linda J. Bishop, 215-249-0100, x146,

Sponsor: Pearl S. Buck International
Release Date: 8/7/18
The Global Leadership Program at Pearl S. Buck International for students from grades 9-11 is designed to help young adults become better students, college applicants, and global citizens. Students build relationships and learn vital skills such as team communication, cultural awareness, creativity, community service, leadership, goal setting and . . .